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I think that metaverses will become part of our lives in the near future, maybe within the next 5-10 years. Although many of them are currently available for testing, it seems that the current technology stack is unable to fully unleash the potential of such technology.
However, I believe that Apple will be the game-changer, as they often are. I know they are currently developing mixed-reality glasses.
Just imagine what could be achieved if we combined the current realization of metaverses built on blockchains with the expertise of AAA game development companies and glasses created by Apple or another tech giant. Decentralized storage through blockchains means that data can be stored on all devices simultaneously, and it also allows achievements to be transformed into NFTs, so you can play and earn, etc. The visual aspect of these projects can be greatly enhanced through collaboration with AAA game development companies, as the current versions resemble outdated Tamagotchi or Tetris technologies. Finally, the mediator between the real and metaverse worlds could be Apple glasses. This will be “Free Guy” in real life. And it is only one example that can be realized. We live in interesting times.
I agree with the author of the book on two points and I want to expand a little the third:
- firstly, seniors tend to reject such technologies due to a lack of familiarity;
- secondly, young people will be the primary beneficiaries of such technologies.
- finally, the middle-aged portion of society may consider it a "waste of time", but a small group of this category will likely realize these ideas for younger generations.
ありがとうございます。☺️🙏 As always interesting text and video content from You. 😊 I was interested in Metaverse thing when first time heard about it. But then i realized my laptop is too old for do something that way so i lost interest in that. 😄 Tu esi Nuostabi, panele Ruri! 🙏☺️
P. S. Did You noticed how similar is Italian 🇮🇹 and Mexican 🇲🇽 flags? 😄 Poland, Monaco and Indonesia flags are even more 😄 and Singapore can add also to make White-Red squad. 😃 🇸🇬🇵🇱🇮🇩🇲🇨 There really can be fun with flags That's remind me Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory 😄 Also there Beautiful team circle team flags of Japan, Palau and Bangladesh 🇯🇵🇵🇼🇧🇩 And our Lithuanian flag is almost close with Myanmar 🇱🇹🇲🇲😄 Ofcourse there also are Team Scandinavia style flags 🙂 My favorites languages in the world is 🇱🇹🇯🇵🇬🇷🇲🇽 Thank You for attention and sorry that Post scriptum text become longer than main. 🙏
Bu kitabın Türkçe veyahut İngilizce basımı var mı, varsa nereden satın alabilirim yardımcı olur musun?
I think that metaverses will become part of our lives in the near future, maybe within the next 5-10 years. Although many of them are currently available for testing, it seems that the current technology stack is unable to fully unleash the potential of such technology.
However, I believe that Apple will be the game-changer, as they often are. I know they are currently developing mixed-reality glasses.
Just imagine what could be achieved if we combined the current realization of metaverses built on blockchains with the expertise of AAA game development companies and glasses created by Apple or another tech giant. Decentralized storage through blockchains means that data can be stored on all devices simultaneously, and it also allows achievements to be transformed into NFTs, so you can play and earn, etc. The visual aspect of these projects can be greatly enhanced through collaboration with AAA game development companies, as the current versions resemble outdated Tamagotchi or Tetris technologies. Finally, the mediator between the real and metaverse worlds could be Apple glasses. This will be “Free Guy” in real life. And it is only one example that can be realized. We live in interesting times.
I agree with the author of the book on two points and I want to expand a little the third:
- firstly, seniors tend to reject such technologies due to a lack of familiarity;
- secondly, young people will be the primary beneficiaries of such technologies.
- finally, the middle-aged portion of society may consider it a "waste of time", but a small group of this category will likely realize these ideas for younger generations.
ありがとうございます。☺️🙏 As always interesting text and video content from You. 😊 I was interested in Metaverse thing when first time heard about it. But then i realized my laptop is too old for do something that way so i lost interest in that. 😄 Tu esi Nuostabi, panele Ruri! 🙏☺️
P. S. Did You noticed how similar is Italian 🇮🇹 and Mexican 🇲🇽 flags? 😄 Poland, Monaco and Indonesia flags are even more 😄 and Singapore can add also to make White-Red squad. 😃 🇸🇬🇵🇱🇮🇩🇲🇨 There really can be fun with flags That's remind me Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory 😄 Also there Beautiful team circle team flags of Japan, Palau and Bangladesh 🇯🇵🇵🇼🇧🇩 And our Lithuanian flag is almost close with Myanmar 🇱🇹🇲🇲😄 Ofcourse there also are Team Scandinavia style flags 🙂 My favorites languages in the world is 🇱🇹🇯🇵🇬🇷🇲🇽 Thank You for attention and sorry that Post scriptum text become longer than main. 🙏