"Your entire life is a risk. You're not getting out alive!". I wasn't sure who said that, but googling led me to a speech of Jim Rohn, so I'll be giving him credits xD

Anyway, there's a risk in everything, right? Things may happen if you try something, things may happen if you don't try something. At least we can choose whick risks to take, or which pain to endure, according to our goals.

That's all folks!

(actually, there's that famous quote as well "Do or do not. There is no try". Talk about assertiveness, huh?)

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Thank you so much ruri

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Damn, 20 miles ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

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Oh my.. why we donโ€™t listen our own advices, which are really helpful, sometimes?! Should we sometimes talk with ourselves?

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Thank you Ruri, this taught me something new!

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